Quality requirements

We apply quality and general supply requirements to all purchased and sold round timber

PJ – Sawlogs
Wood species: S (spruce), P (pine)
St. – Large, Vd. – Medium, Sm. – Small
  • Sm. – 14-18.9 cm;
  • Vd. / St. – 19-50 cm, maximum diameter – 50 cm overbark.
Curvature: normal curvature ≤1.5% (1.5 cm/m).
    Branches: mature, immature, healthy ≤6 cm.
      Slope: ≤2.5 cm/m.
        • 4.8 m with ≥ 10-cm allowance;
        • 4.8 m with
        Measurement: 4.8 m long logs are measured by the group measurement method, using a coefficient of 0.62.
          Not allowed*:
          • complex curvature;
          • metal or other foreign bodies;
          • hard or soft rot;
          • cracks;
          • insect damage;
          • staining;
          • dead wood;
          • rotting branches;
          • poor pruning;
          • logs with former or existing double branching;
          • mechanical damage;
          • old-cut logs with discolouration and/or fungal damage, soot, charring, radioactivity.
          *you can find visuals of the defects www.juodeliaiperka.lt in the “Quality requirements/Wood defects” section.

            PJ – Sawlogs
            Wood species: S (spruce), P (pine)
            Diameter: 14-50 cm, maximum diameter – 50 cm overbark.
              Curvature: normal curvature ≤4.0 % (4.0 cm/m).
                  Slope: ≤4 cm/m.
                    • 4.8 m with ≥ 10-cm allowance;
                    • 4.8 m with
                    Measurement: 4.8 m long logs are measured by the group measurement method, using a coefficient of 0.62.
                      Not allowed*:
                      • complex curvature;
                      • metal or other foreign bodies;
                      • soft rot;
                      • cracks;
                      • insect damage;
                      • staining;
                      • dead wood;
                      • rotting branches;
                      • poor pruning;
                      • logs with former or existing double branching;
                      • mechanical damage;
                      • old-cut logs with discolouration and/or fungal damage, soot, charring, radioactivity.
                      *you can find visuals of the defects www.juodeliaiperka.lt in the “Quality requirements/Wood defects” section.

                        PJ – Sawlogs
                        Wood species: S (spruce), P (pine)
                        St. – Large, Vd. – Medium, Sm. – Small (Sm. class assortments are not divided into quality classes)
                        Diameter: 14-50 cm, maximum diameter – 50 cm overbark.
                          Curvature: normal curvature ≤4.0 % (4.0 cm/m).
                            Slope: ≤4 cm/m.
                              • 4.8 m with ≥ 10-cm allowance;
                              • 4.8 m with
                              Measurement: 4.8 m long logs are measured by the group measurement method, using a coefficient of 0.62.
                                Not allowed*:
                                • complex curvature;
                                • metal or other foreign bodies;
                                • soft rot;
                                • cracks;
                                • insect damage;
                                • staining;
                                • rotting branches;
                                • poor pruning;
                                • logs with former or existing double branching;
                                • mechanical damage;
                                • old-cut logs with discolouration and/or fungal damage, soot, charring, radioactivity.
                                *you can find visuals of the defects www.juodeliaiperka.lt in the “Quality requirements/Wood defects” section.

                                  PJ – Sawlogs
                                  Wood species: P (pine)
                                  St. – Large, Vd. – Medium, Sm. – Small
                                  (Sm. class assortments are not divided into quality classes)
                                  • Sm. – 11-17,9 cm;
                                  • Vd. – 18-39.9 cm;
                                  • St. – 40-50 cm, maximum diameter – 50 cm overbark.
                                  Curvature: normal curvature ≤2.0% (2.0cm/m).
                                    Slope: ≤2.5 cm/m.
                                      Lengths: 3.0 m with an allowance of at least 7 cm.
                                        Measurement: 3.0 m long logs are measured by the unit measurement method through an automated measuring line.
                                          Not allowed*:
                                          • complex curvature;
                                          • metal or other foreign bodies;
                                          • hard or soft rot;
                                          • cracks;
                                          • insect damage;
                                          • staining;
                                          • dead wood;
                                          • rotting branches;
                                          • poor pruning;
                                          • logs with former or existing double branching;
                                          • mechanical damage;
                                          • old-cut logs with discolouration and/or fungal damage, soot, charring, radioactivity.
                                          *you can find visuals of the defects www.juodeliaiperka.lt in the “Quality requirements/Wood defects” section.

                                            PJ – Sawlogs
                                            Wood species: B (birch), A (aspen), B (black alder), L (linden), P (poplar)
                                            Diameter: 14-50 cm, maximum diameter – 50 cm overbark.
                                              Curvature: normal curvature ≤4.0 % (4.0 cm/m).
                                                Slope: ≤4 cm/m.
                                                  • 4.8 m with ≥ 10-cm allowance;
                                                  • 4.8 m with
                                                  Measurement: 4.8 m long logs are measured by the group measurement method, using a coefficient of 0.62.
                                                    Not allowed*:
                                                    • complex curvature;
                                                    • metal or other foreign bodies;
                                                    • soft rot;
                                                    • cracks;
                                                    • insect damage;
                                                    • staining;
                                                    • dead wood;
                                                    • rotting branches;
                                                    • poor pruning;
                                                    • logs with former or existing double branching;
                                                    • mechanical damage;
                                                    • old-cut logs with discolouration and/or fungal damage, soot, charring, radioactivity.
                                                    *you can find visuals of the defects www.juodeliaiperka.lt in the “Quality requirements/Wood defects” section.

                                                      Wood species: S (spruce), P (pine), B (birch), B (black alder), A (aspen), L (linden), P (poplar), etc.
                                                      TR – Pallet logs, SP – Conifer logs, LP – Deciduous logs
                                                      Diameter: minimum small-end – 14 cm, maximum butt-end – 50 cm.
                                                        Curvature: normal curvature permitted up to 5.0% (5.0 cm/m).
                                                          Lengths: 2.4 m with an allowance of at least 7 cm.
                                                            • Conifer pallet logs: group measurement method, using a coefficient of 0.62;
                                                            • Deciduous pallet logs: group measurement method, using a coefficient of 0.58.
                                                            Not allowed*:
                                                            • complex curvature;
                                                            • metal or other foreign bodies;
                                                            • soft rot;
                                                            • cracks;
                                                            • insect damage;
                                                            • staining;
                                                            • rotting branches;
                                                            • poor pruning;
                                                            • logs with former or existing double branching;
                                                            • mechanical damage;
                                                            • old-cut logs with discolouration and/or fungal damage, soot, charring, radioactivity.
                                                            *you can find visuals of the defects on www.juodeliaiperka.lt in the “Quality requirements/Wood defects” section.

                                                              When wood is purchased with delivery:
                                                              • Individual wood assortments (wood with different pricing) may not be mixed in the same rung;
                                                              • 3.0 m P (pine) logs are only accepted with delivery and full timber lorries, without mixing them with other assortments.
                                                              When wood is purchased at the Forest Warehouse:
                                                              • Individual wood assortments (wood with different pricing) may not be mixed in the same rung;
                                                              • The minimum amount of one sold assortment (wood with different pricing) is 15 m³. The total minimum amount of wood sold is 30 m³.
                                                              When non-certified wood is sold:
                                                              • The seller must submit all wood purchase documents, including confirmation of ownership and the logging permit (certified copy), and must specify the contractor and method of logging (manual/mechanical).

                                                              When wood is purchased with delivery:
                                                              • Individual wood assortments (wood with different pricing) may not be mixed in the same rung.
                                                              When wood is purchased at the Forest Warehouse:
                                                              • Individual wood assortments (wood with different pricing) may not be mixed in the same rung;
                                                              • The minimum amount of one sold assortment (wood with different pricing) is 15 m³. The total minimum amount of wood sold is 30 m³.
                                                              When non-certified wood is sold:
                                                              • The seller must submit all wood purchase documents, including confirmation of ownership and the logging permit (certified copy), and must specify the contractor and method of logging (manual/mechanical).